Extra credit: Introduce an image

3 points, due by Sunday April 16, 11.59PM

In your blog posts I ask you to include an image. This makes the blog look more attractive, and brings history a bit closer to the reader, because although our course materials are mostly text-based, we live in a highly image-based culture. But usually the image itself is not the focus of your post.

In this extra-credit assignment, you get a chance to show how you “read” (i.e. understand and interpret) an image, and the image really is the point of the post. Here’s what you do:

  • Pick an image connected to the course content so far.
  • You can look online (museum and library websites have great open access collections), as well as the Trexler Library Creative Commons webpage (scroll down for various options).
  • Find out a bit more about the image or the object in the photo:
    • who is creator/photographer?
    • what is in the image?
    • when was it made?
    • who currently owns it?
  • You may not have answers to all the questions, but try to find out more about the physical object of the painting of photograph, as well as who or what is in the image
  • Write a short blog post to share your findings, and also explain how this image connects to this week’s topic, and why you think it could be a useful illustration of the week’s content in a blog post.
  • Don’t forget to include the image, and add a caption with credit/source.
  • (You can of course use the same image in your weekly/ reflection blog post this week!)

When you are ready, please read the following declaration carefully, and then head on over to collect your points in the Canvas quiz:

– I found an image online that is connected to our course’s topic.
– I wrote a blog post providing the information I found about the image, and the contents, such as the creator, the year of creation, the owner, etc. as well as who or what is depicted in the image.
– I explained how this image connects to the course content, and how it can be a useful illustration for a blog post.
– I included the image and a caption with credit/source.
– I added the post to the category hst267, and added the tag extra.