Show and Tell 4

Show off what you learned in the past few weeks in a format of your choice, as long as you can get it on your blog somehow to share with your classmates.

Table of Contents

Details: what, when, where, how

WHEN: due by Fri, April 21, 11.59pm

WHAT: showcase something you learned about Japanese history from the late Heian (rise of the warriors), the Muromachi period, the tumultuous Warring States era, traditional aesthetics etc, down to the unification just before Tokugawa Ieyasa takes over, i.e. course content of weeks 10, 11, or 12.

WHY: This gives you a chance to look back and consolidate what you learned so far. Perhaps you now see connections you did not spot initially (maybe as the result of browsing through your classmates’ posts?), or you have changed your opinions, or discovered a new source, or followed up on a question and want to share?


  • Create a blog post, and share a link to the project. (If it’s a text-based Show and Tell, you can of course submit it as the blog post.)
  • Use the words “Show and Tell 4:” in the title of the post; you can further customize the title by adding a title that will draw the reader in.
  • Add the post to the category hst267.
  • Submit your link in the Canvas assignment
  • Most importantly: add a brief self-assessment in the submission comments:
    • What did you do well? What do you want to improve on in a rewrite, or in the next assignment?
      • The Rubric (found below) is a soulless check list, so in the submission comments you get a chance to wax lyrical about what you put into the project, and what you hope the reader gets out of it. If need be, I can help you get that out even more in a “rewrite & resubmit” (–> that is a real thing professional academics do, join the club!)
    • Suggest a grade out of 20 points.


Here’s a suggested list of topics, but please ping me a message on Discord or talk with me if you have a cool idea and are not sure if it will fit. I’ll do my best to help you make it work!

  • Comparing the Ashikaga (Muromachi) shoguns and the Kamakura
  • Noh theatre developments
  • Explore kyōgen, a form of comic theatre that also developed during this period, but we skipped (how rude!)
  • Comparing different versions of the Atsumori Tale (see Sources below)
  • Create a gallery of objects from a specific time period, or trace a type of objects through the three centuries of the Muromachi era (art history timeline)
  • Developments in government
  • Highlighting some major warlords of the Warring States Era
  • Christianity and/or Europeans in sixteenth century Japan

Suggestions for formats

  • An analytical blog post: you analyze a set of materials drawn from the course materials, looking for connections, changes, continuities within the section covered and (once we are beyond the first Show and Tell) across more than one section.
    • 800 words (±10%, excl. notes and bibliography)
    • It’s not a summary.
    • I encourage you to bring in additional scholarly materials. Otherwise you have to do a very deep analysis of what we covered in class/readings.
    • You bring a new insight through a focused look at a particular aspect of the course materials covered so far: this post is more than the sum of its parts.
    • OPTION: You can also do this as a voiced-over power point slide deck, voice-thread, or other video/spoken assignment.
  • An encyclopedia entry (as blog post): you explain in detail an aspect of Japanese history that you found fascinating, but we did not explore in great detail in class.
    • You add at least two sources that were not in the class readings yet. (Note: you can use the Optional Extras/background)
    • You introduce new information and new details on something connected to the history of early Japan.
    • Suggested length: ±800 words of quality
  • small digital humanities project, for instance:
    • A detailed timeline (TimelineJS)
    • Storymap
    • Twine-story
    • A Twitter-thread (series of tweets on a single topic)
    • An short audio podcast episode (± 5min, scripted)
    • A brief video documentary (± 2-3 min)
  • Current event in historical context: Japan occasionally pops up in our news cycle, and many of the topics have a much longer and complex historical background than journalists explain in their pieces. Use a current news topic as a jumping off point, and dive deeper into the historical connection.
    • 800 words (±10%, excl. notes and bibliography)
  • Primary source comparison
    • Use two or more primary sources and put them in dialogue, and show how a historian can use these to deepen our understanding of Japanese history. You can trace a genre or topic in time, or you can put two sources from the same time period in dialogue.
    • 800 words (± 10%;  excl. footnotes and bibliography)
    • You can use primary sources we covered in class, or explore the sources listed below –although this time they are longer format.
  • Examples of creative projects from previous courses/Show and Tell 1:
    • a talkshow with impersonations of historical figures
    • Google slide presentations with voice over or presenter notes
    • Prezi presentation
    • screenplay
    • art work, with guided notes explaining the connection to history.
  • Other ideas? Let me know! We can discuss what would work.

Rubric and self-assessment

How to assess your own work? Let’s agree on the following basics. Your work scores high when it displays characteristics that are the result of a resounding yes to the following statements:

  • I leaned into my curiosity to get to the bottom of a question I had, or a topic I wanted to learn more about – within the timeframe specified for this particular Show and Tell.
  • I made sure my contribution helps my fellow students understand a particular aspect of Japanese history better, and is more than a summary of content we covered in class.
  • I hit the word count (±10%, excl. notes and bibliography) if I follow a model suggested by Dr. D
    • OR
  • I consulted with Dr. D on the suitability and feasibility of a creative or digital project as an equivalent amount of work
  • I added footnotes in Chicago Notes and Bibliography style for all information I used, not only for paraphrases and quotations. [See the FAQ on this webpage, scroll down a bit]
  • I added a list of works consulted (aka a “bibliography) in Chicago Notes and Bibliography style
  • I checked the public-facing presentation of my work (blog post or other) looks professional, and is to the best of my ability free from factual errors, grammar and spelling mistakes.
  • I made sure to add hyperlinks and Alt Text where applicable.

Additional primary sources for deeper exploration:

  • “Little Atsumori.” In Monsters, Animals, and Other Worlds: A Collection of Short Medieval Japanese Tales, edited by Keller Kimbrough and Haruo Shirane, 250-64. Translations from the Asian Classics. New York: Columbia Univ. Press 2018. (PDF)
    • What is it? A picture scroll, but we don’t have the pictures on hand. You can compare this version to the Noh play and/or the original story from the Tale of Heike.
  • Haboush, JaHyun Kim, and Kenneth R Robinson. A Korean War Captive in Japan, 1597-1600: The Writings of Kang Hang. New York: Columbia University Press, 2013. (ebook via Trexler library)
    • We read chapter 1 in class, but there is more to the book: explore one or two additional chapters.
  • “Busu”. In Anthology of Japanese Literature: Earliest Era to Mid-nineteenth Century, compiled and edited by Donald Keene, 305-311. Unesco Collection of Representative Works. New York: Grove Press, 1955. (PDF)
    • What is it? This is an example of a kyōgen play with a witty servant. Tarō is a well-known character in the genre.
    • Combine with: “This Is Kyogen”. Directed by Takao Toshioka and Akira Shigeyama International Projects. Jonah Salz, 1992. (online video)
    • This 20 min. video shows some kyōgen in action. Although the differences with  are obvious, there are also similarities.
  • Sōgi. An Old Man’s Diversion. In Traditional Japanese Literature: An Anthology. Beginnings to 1600. Edited by Haruo Shirane, 1081-1087. Columbia Univ. Press, 2007. (PDF)
    • What is it? Sōgi was one of the most famous renga (linked verse) poets. In this selection he explains as a teacher of renga with examples how to analyze the qualities of these poems.
  • Connecting, comparing, contrasting two primary sources we saw for this “block”